I was supposed to start this post by saying how much I hate November 14th, and how the day always ends with me crying. But I don’t want to do that anymore.
This day has rolled around 6 times and every year, I do not share with everyone what it means to me. I say, “Don’t make things awkward by complaining and moping in public”. And every year, at midnight, my heart breaks because I feel like I had one chance to celebrate my mum and I didn’t. So here goes.
When you get to know me, you’ll find that I’m pretty clueless. I am also a major scatterbrain. I’m talking ‘Walking into walls I see in front of me’ scatterbrain. My Luganda is weak, but I like to think what I also am is a fala. And a year ago, the universe decided it was time to take my fala manifestation to a whole new level.
I spoke to my child Bella on her 20th birthday and asked her the grand question, 'What plan do you have for your twenties?'. Her answer summarized everything I've been trying to write about since my last birthday, and gave us the title of this blog post - The Problem of Growth. While we're 3 years apart, Bella and I are basically the same in the eyes of the world. We're 20 something year olds that should be 'living our best lives' and 'doing the most'.
I've learnt to look at things and really see them. To never let the sight of something pass you by. To remember every letter in a sentence, the curves on a face, the harshness in every light, because you don't really know if you'll get to see it again. The eve of my departure from my mother's house, we were both quieter than usual.
This was the precise order they gave Isaac:
· Go to school
· Get a job
· Get married and have kids
· …..(You’ll figure this out)